Posts in Attached ADU
Shutesbury, MA

Shutesbury revised its rules for Accessory Dwelling Units in 2008 to make it easier for homeowners to add an additional dwelling unit to their properties. The city sees ADUs as a great to way help increase density and create high quality housing without sacrificing the character of the town. Since the bylaw was approved, there have been many ADUs added to homes including at least one backyard home (detached ADU)!

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Montague, MA

Montague has very favorable rules related to backyard homes (ADUs). There are limited restrictions and their zoning bylaw overall does not place excessive regulations on what can be built on a someone’s land. Setback requirements are also some of the most accommodating in Western Mass. However, homeowners still need to apply for a special permit to build a detached ADU so it will be important to plan a project that considers neighbors and the public if your ADU will be visible from the street.

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