FAQ's About The Massachusetts Affordable Homes Act

In succinct plain English, neighbor objections which in the past have succeeded in blocking ADUs (auxiliary dwelling units) in Amherst will no longer work. More ADUs added to existing rented single-family house properties are coming statewide.

Perhaps most significant for Amherst is the elimination of any owner occupancy requirement. That means any rented single family dwelling in a single family residential zoning district in Amherst is now entitled to one accessory dwelling unit as a matter of right.

Look here for a memorandum that I prepared about the new state zoning exemption for Accessory Dwelling Units.

Whether one supports or opposes ADUs, Amherst residents should be aware of this change in the law.

Look here for an excerpt from the current Amherst Zoning Bylaw, with the town’s restrictions on ADUs, most of which are now illegal because they violate state law.

Michael Pill

Michael Pill is a former resident of Amherst, and a current resident of Shutesbury. His law practice is based in Northampton.