Salem, New Hampshire

Salem, NH Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Rules

City Acceptance Rating: 4/10

Last Updated: 8.28.2024

Image Source:Wicked Northshore

What You Need To Know

One accessory apartment up to 2 bedrooms and 950 square feet, is allowed per single-family home. An interior door must connect the main dwelling and the accessory apartment .and the exterior must maintain a single-family residence appearance. The property owner must live in one of the units and the ADU may not be converted to a condominium.

Type of ADU Permit Required

Review by Planning and Engineering Departments before submitting for a building permit.
Two permits are required: one for structural alterations and one for the ADU. An impact fee of $5,617 is due when applying for a Certificate of Occupancy. A deed addendum is required.

ADU Rules

    1. Only one accessory apartment is allowed per single-family home.

    2. The property owner must live in one of the two units.

    3. The home’s exterior and entrances must maintain the appearance of a single-family residence.

    4. The accessory apartment can have a maximum of two bedrooms and up to 950 square feet of floor space.

    5. Water supply and sewage disposal must comply with RSA 485-A:38.

    6. Off-street parking for at least four vehicles is required, with garage and "piggy-back" parking encouraged.

    7. The property cannot be converted into a condominium or any other separate form of ownership. The accessory apartment must be recorded by deed addendum.

    8. An accessory apartment is not allowed if there is an in-law apartment or family day-care center on the property.

    9. Variances from these conditions are against the spirit and intent of this chapter.

    10. Detached accessory apartments are not allowed.

    11. There must be an interior door connecting the main dwelling and the accessory apartment.
