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Invest in your future

A backyard rental apartment is an investment in your future. It can generate income for your family and at the same time provide quality housing in your city.


Determine your potential income:



Determine market rent in your area.

Local 1-bedroom rents:

Easthampton: $900-$1,150

Northampton: $1,000-$1,250

Amherst: $1,000-$1,250



Estimate expenses

Insurance ($500) | Maintenance ($500) | Landscaping ($200) | Taxes ($300)



Do some math

Rent MINUS expenses = CASH in your pocket

$12,000 – $1,500 = $10,500 CASH

Earn real money by helping to provide quality housing.

Family Black Box.png

BUT– it’s about more than money

We have a housing shortage. American families and aging citizens are facing a crises. The only solution is adding more, affordable, high quality housing units.

Your backyard (or side yard) can be part of the solution.