Raymond, New Hampshire

Raymond, NH Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Rules

City Acceptance Rating: 8/10

Last Updated: 8.28.2024

Image Source: Raymond NH Facebook

What You Need To Know

One attached ADU is permitted per parcel in districts allowing single-family homes. The ADU must be secondary in size and use, with no additional lot size required. The property owner must live in either the main home or the ADU as their primary residence. The ADU must match the main dwelling’s design, with entrances on the side or rear unless shared with the main entrance.

Type of ADU Permit Required

If all requirements are met, only standard building permits are needed.

ADU Rules

  • Only one accessory dwelling unit (ADU) is allowed per parcel with a single-family home in districts that permit single-family dwellings.

  • The ADU must be clearly secondary to the main dwelling in size, use, and purpose.

  • No additional lot size or space requirements are needed beyond those for a single-family home, but a zoning determination and building permit are required for ADUs.

  • An ADU can qualify as workforce housing if it meets rental unit criteria under RSA 674:58 IV.

  • The property owner must live in either the main dwelling or the ADU as their primary residence.

  • Proof of residence must be provided to the Assessor's office by January 1.

  • The exterior of the ADU must match the main dwelling's design and appearance. If the ADU entrance faces the street, it must share the main entrance, with additional entrances placed on the side or rear. The Code Enforcement Officer will review designs before issuing a building permit.

  • The ADU can have a maximum of two bedrooms.

  • The ADU must be between 500 and 1,000 square feet or up to 1/3 of the total heated area of both units, whichever is larger.

  • There must be an interior connecting door between the main dwelling and the ADU.

  • At least four off-street parking spaces must be provided.

  • The property must have adequate vehicle access, with only one driveway serving both units.

  • A plan approved by the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services is required to handle any increased waste from the ADU.

  • Detached ADUs are not allowed in the Town of Raymond.

