Alstead, New Hampshire

Alstead, NH Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Rules

City Acceptance Rating: 4/10

Last Updated: 11.7.2024

Image Source: Wikipedia

What You Need To Know

ADUs are allowed in Alstead, and they are evaluated on a case by case basis.

Type of ADU Permit Required

To build an ADU in Alstead, you must go through their special exception process.

ADU Rules

  • ADUs can be up to 750 square feet

  • ADUs can be detached.   

  • Going through the special exception process is required

  • Setbacks for ADUs

    1. 30 ft from side or back

    2. 75 feet from the center of the road 

  • ADUs must be placed the required distance from utilities on site (well and septic)

    1. Septic approval is required through the state not town 


Town of Alstead, NH 603-835-2242