Millbury, MA

Millbury, MA Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Rules

City Acceptance Rating: 4/10 (10 is most accepting)

Last updated: 8.28.2024

What You Need To Know

Currently not in compliance with the Massachusetts Affordable Homes Act.

ADUs are allowed within all Residential and Suburban Districts on lots that meet the zoning district dimensional requirements or on lots/in structures that are legally pre-existing nonconforming. 

Type of ADU Permit Required

ADUs require a special permit.

ADU Rules

  • Only one ADU is allowed on a lot.

  • The appearance of a single-family home must be kept in.

  • Any new entrance to the ADU must be either on the side or rear of the home. 

  • The gross floor area of an ADU cannot be greater than 800 square feet.

  • Two off-street parking spaces must be provided for the residents of the ADU.

  • For ADUs built on lots with pre-existing nonconforming single-family homes, the living area of the existing single-family home cannot be increased in total square footage or footprint altered.

  • The Zoning Board of Appeals may allow in some circumstances deviations from certain requirements to accommodate individuals living needs.

Resources: - Page 98