Medway, MA

Medway, Massachusetts’ Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Rules

Last updated: 2019

The town of Medway, MA had the following provisions for Accessory Dwelling Units:

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  1. An accessory family dwelling unit must be located within a detached single-family dwelling (principal dwelling unit); or an addition to a detached single-family dwelling (principal dwelling unit); or a separate structure on the same premises as a detached single-family dwelling (principal dwelling unit).

  2. There may be no more than one accessory family dwelling unit associated with a detached single-family dwelling (principal dwelling unit).

  3. No accessory family dwelling unit may have more than one bedroom, unless a second bedroom is authorized by the Board of Appeals.

  4. An accessory family dwelling unit may not exceed 800 sq. ft. of gross floor area unless: a. there is an existing detached accessory structure larger than 800 sq. ft. located on the same lot as a detached single-family dwelling (principal dwelling unit) and the Board of Appeals determines its use as an accessory family dwelling unit is in character with the neighborhood or is authorized by the Board of Appeals.

  5. There must be at least one designated off-street parking space for the accessory family dwelling unit in addition to parking for the occupants of the detached single-family (principal dwelling unit).

  6. The off-street parking space must be located in a garage or in the driveway while having vehicular access to the driveway. The location, quantity and adequacy of parking for the accessory family dwelling unit will be reviewed by the Board of Appeals to ensure its location and appearance are in keeping with the residential character of the neighborhood.

  7. The owners of the property must reside in one of the units as their primary residence, except for bona fide temporary absences.

  8. The accessory dwelling unit and the detached single-family dwelling (principal dwelling unit) must be occupied by any one or more of the following: i. the owner(s) of the property ii. the owner’s family by blood, marriage, adoption, foster care or guardianship iii. an unrelated caregiver for an occupant of the detached single-family dwelling or the accessory family dwelling unit, who is an elder, a person with a disability, handicap or chronic disease/medical condition, or a child.

  9. An accessory family dwelling unit must be designed so as to preserve the appearance of the single-family dwelling (principal dwelling unit) and be compatible with the residential character of the neighborhood. Any new separate outside entrance serving an accessory family dwelling unit must be located on the side or in the rear of the building.

  10. The Board of Appeals may allow reasonable deviations from the Basic Requirements where necessary to install features in the accessory family dwelling unit to facilitate the care of, and access and mobility for, disabled and handicapped individuals and persons with limited mobility or a chronic medical condition.

Read full text here: Town of Medway ADU Zoning Rules