12/13 Newsletter

 12/13 Newsletter

This will likely be our last newsletter for the year as I am sure you have plenty of other things to focus on. As for me, I am going to start thinking about what I'll be cooking Christmas Dinner (this is the year-end holiday we celebrate) and our surf trip to Ecuador for New Years (it's going to be amazing and it's really affordable).

As for Backyard ADUs, we continue to see increasing traffic to our website and demand for our new DIY Guides that help homeowners self-evaluate eligibility for a backyard home. We are also trying to find the best way to help homeowners early in their planning process. One key aspect is quickly communicating that  WE ARE NOT TRUE SALESPEOPLE, we are consultants that hope homeowners build with us, but ultimately, we just want people to build something with someone. 

12/2 – 12/13 News

Update on the Easthampton Project

It took two full weeks for the official 20 day appeal period to start, which means we can't break ground until 12/25. Unfortunately, the delay will likely push the project completion date to Mid-March, due to the ground freezing too deep to dig efficiently. That said, if we have an unusually warm January, we'll be out there with our excavators!

The Polar Plunge (Donate Now)

We were invited to help All Out Adventures raise money via their Polar Plunge. It's been a blast and I (Chris Lee) will be surfing on the hole cut in the frozen lake tomorrow at 11:30 if we raise just a little more money.We are 80% to our goal.

Backyard ADUs is also matching $400 of donations! (email Chris after donating to get the match)

Make us plunge, and help seniors and disabled people enjoy the great outdoors. Donate Now 

Amherst Is Interested in ADUs

We will meeting with the Zoning Subcommittee in Amherst in January to discuss all things ADUs. We've been starting conversations with local governments about the benefits of ADUs and where we think there is a huge opportunity to get state funding to help pay for them. We hope the meeting with Amherst is the first of many! 

 ADUs in Northampton

Northampton is working on some really interesting updates to their zoning rules that we think will make an enormous, positive impact on housing costs. The updates will unlock traditional financing options to build ADUs (or a 2nd unit) and make the project an advantageous investment for homeowners.  

Northampton, Ma

Northampton, Ma

 Interior Renderings

Our new designer Pawel has proven to be AMAZING. After finishing exterior renderings, he moved on to the interiors of Jade, our 1-bedroom 575 SF backyard home. Check them out:

Marketing Feedback

We had an amazing phone call with a local resident and marketing expert (Joe O'Rourke) who provided outstanding feedback on our messaging and sales process. Thank you Joe! 

We are currently testing out a tiered/staged offering that separates the "What you can build?" from the "Who to build with?" questions.

We love feedback and if you have something to share please don't hesitate to reach out. Coffee, beer or lunch will be on us. 

NewsletterChris Lee